Making Damascus


The Finishing Knife

As any collector knows, the precision in the finished knife is of great importance. Ron's attention to detail for each and every knife is just as you'd expect from an ABS Journeyman Smith.


Starting from a select piece of homogenous steel or custom made damascus, the metal is hot worked to shape.

Repeated pounding moves the steel from raw block to a rough blade shape. Through years of experience, Ron knows just when the pre-formed blade is ready for grinding into the finished product.



Ron moves to the grinder to remove the forging scale and complete the blade by hand. The grinding process requires skill and concentration to create a balanced and well finished blade.

Once the steel finishing is complete, handle works begins. Ron uses a great variety of handle materials selected to complement the overall design and purpose of each knife. Handle finishing is a slow and detailed process, but that's the life of a professional knifemaker.


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Learn more about Ron's Damascus here.